
Customers are consuming an abundance of content from a range of different companies, making it impossible for all but the most famous brands to stand out when buying decisions are made. It doesn’t have to be that way. Creativity and planning can help a business to find its unique voice and engage customers more effectively.

As part of Inbound Marketing Week, Octopus Group, a HubSpot partner, is hosting 'Beyond The Buyer Persona’ – a breakfast event covering how brands can find their voice and, in turn, their customer.

You will leave the event buzzing with fresh ideas about how get your business to think and act differently from the competition! This is an event for senior marketing executives held in an informal setting where participation is encouraged.

If you have any questions, please email

Beyond the Buyer Persona: how to differentiate your brand

Date: Thursday, March 5, 2015

Time: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Location: Octopus Group, 222 Grays Inn Road, 7th Floor, London, WC1X 8HB

     * Places are limited, so please register early.

Register Here



Don't miss out on this remarkable opportunity to learn more about inbound marketing! Keep up on the chatter! Follow #IMW15 on Twitter for more updates on this event. 



The event will include:

• The psychology of thinking differently - an engaging session hosted by leading business psychologist Jamil Qureshi

• Applying differentiation to your content marketing strategy - an insight session presented by Billy Hamilton-Stent, Octopus Group

• Discussion / Q&A




  •          Billy Hamilton-Stent, Octopus Group


  •          Business psychologist Jamil Qureshi